While this longer than some other posts, I was required to assembled this Language Profile for a course I was completing. If the development of language interests you, take some time to read this...it will surprise you how long it took for Modern French to develop.
French Language Profile
History and Geography
As a language goes, the evolution
of French is not a simple or direct one. Starting in the 5th Century
B.C.E. the Celts populated Spain, Northern Italy and Western Europe (what is
now modern France). In Western Europe the Celts became known as the Gauls, who
had no central authority and were a mixture of hundreds of city states. The
Gauls spoke a vast variety of Celtics languages. There would continue to be no
centralized language until the Romans began occupying of mainland Europe
between 58 and 50 B.C.E. Julius Caesar conquered all of the Gaul territory and
ignored all the “barbaric” (as the Romans saw them) Celtics languages and made
it so that Latin was essential.
To enjoy a simpler life under the
Roman occupation, Gauls began to seek Roman citizenship, which meant adopting
Latin as their main language. Like the Romans with their continuous marching
armies, the Gauls, a militaristic people, used their armies to continue the
spread of Latin throughout Europe. With the implementation of schools with
Latin traditions have a boost to the Roman alphabet, and created a written
tradition in Europe, where there previously had been none. This resulted in the
oral Gaulish tradition as obsolete.
The Latin that spread throughout
Europe was not that of Caesar, but the broke Latin of servants, soldiers and
Roman settlers. This spoken Latin was very distinct from the classical Latin.
This Latin has become known as “Vulgar Latin.”
By 375 C.E., the Germanic
invasion had begun in Europe, and the fall of the Roman Empire was in its final
stage. The Germanic Franks took control of the Gaul territory and what is modern
northern Germany. By the end of the 5th Century C.E. Europe was
divided into hundreds of Germanic Kingdoms with still no centralized language.
The Franks began to centralize
under Charles I (known as Charlemagne) who imposed Catholicism, but “Vulgar Latin”
was still used and was being fragmented constantly. As “Vulgar Latin” became
too complex, a central Germanic language of Romanic began to form around those
in political office and the various monarchs. The Franks who choose to undergo
their own transition, began speaking Frankish, but it was only used by the
During the time of Charlemagne,
the Franks went through a period of bilingualism with Romanic. This continued
for several centuries before the Franks were forced to adopt the Romanic language
due to the surrounding nations acceptance of Romanic. Even today, only 544
Frankish words have survived to modern French, according to French linguist Henriette
The transition from Frankish to
Romanic resulted in massive changes to phonetics, morphology and syntax. The
Germanic [w] was treated like the Latin [v]. Latin words that began with [h]
owned their new pronunciation to the new Germanic traditions. Syntax, such as
placing the subject after the verb when an object or adverb proceeded it was
developed during this transition. However, despite these changes to the Romanic
language, Latin continued to dominate as a written language. This would remain
the case until the 10th Century C.E.
Over time, what would become the
French language, divided into three Romanic groups that are still largely
visible today in France:
In the north – Langues D’Oil
In the south – Langues D’Oc
French Switzerland – Franche-Comtmé
Modern French is most often
associated with Langues D’Oil, as it included the highest echelons of society
in Paris. Yet oddly enough the Kings of Franks still continued to speak
In 987 C.E., Hugues Capet was
elected and crowned King of the Franks, and was the first sovereign to speak
the Romanic vernacular that would later become known as French. It was not
however, until 1119 C.E. when Louis VI proclaimed in a letter to Pope Calistuss
II that he was the new King of France (not the King of the Franks). This was
the first written reference made to France, from which the word Français is
The word at the time was François
(pronounced Franswè). The aristocracy, clerks, jurist and middle class began to
use this form of French, however unification would not occur until Louis IX
ascended to the throne in 1226 C.E.
Louis IX achieved a first stage of French centralization, but only
enough to secure the survival of French through centuries of turmoil. This was
accomplished through Louis IX’s numerous Royal Military victories, where French
made headway in all major cities, and the language became associated with
In terms of phonetics, the French
of this period was very complex. This was expecially true with its vowels. 13th
Century C.E. French included some 33 vowels (9 oral, 5 nasal, 11 oral
diphthongs, 5 nasal diphthongs, and 3 triphthongs). Consonants had three strict
modifiers making French a very difficult to understand and learn.
For anyone who speaks French
today, they would have a great deal of difficulty with 13th Century
French, as all the letters were pronounced, including those that we understand
as silent today.
In terms of grammar, 13th
Century French, it remained very backwards, as word order was free in
sentences. This form of French became known as “Old French.” This form of
French was a mix of Romanic, Occitan, Germanic, and Arabic words, and used
Latin for its phonetics.
Despite its far reaching roots,
French was still not recognized as an official language. It was grounded as a
vehicular language. This was because it was in use throughout the upper levels
of society and was used by the Royal Army which carried French to Italy, Spain,
Cyprus, Syria and Jerusalem through the Crusades. As the language expanded
around the world, the written form began to catch up. The only problem was the
coming centuries would not be easy for the French language.
Between the 14th-16th
century French underwent a number of changes from the globally spread “Old
French” to “Middle French” to “Modern French” as we know it today.
When Philip IV was King of
France, he began using French for all official documents and was required it to
be used in all regional parliaments. By 1300 C.E. French was rivaling Latin,
and Roman and Greek philosophers were being translated into French to allow for
a wider audience. As a result, written
French went through a Latinization.
In 1328 C.E. Charles IV died
without an heir to his throne, and the English asserted its claim to the French
throne. Edward III of England was French and Philippe VI ( a French Prince)
began the long fight, known as the 100 Years’ War.
The conflict not only created a
rift among the French monarchy, it also divided the French provinces. It would
not be until 1453 C.E., under Charles VII that France would prevail, and regain
control of all its former provinces.
The French victory cost the
French language dearly. England replaced French in the Parliament of London
earlier in 1363 C.E., and Henry V of England began to use English in his
official documents.
It was argued by linguist Walter,
that, if it were not for the intervention of Joan of Arc, the English would
have fully adopted the French language. Forever altering the world as we know
it today. Canada, the U.S. and all of the former British Empire might have been
Following the 100 Years’ War,
France remained very unstable. This instability, led to a simplification of the
entire “Old French” system. The numerous diphthongs and triphthongs were
eliminated, turning to simple vowels in spoken French. In a reaction to this
change, scholars looked to preserve the complex written rules. This resulted in
the remaining pronunciation rules, on various words, like “oiseau” (pronounced
Due to the Latinization of the
French written system, scholarly Latin continued to invade France and began to
appear in the French vocabulary. This is very similar to the Anglicisation of
French seem today. This caused doublets
to appear in the French language, the words like hötel and
hôpital are examples of these doublets. They are both derived from the Latin
word hospitalis, which evolved as a short form (hötel) and a long form (hôpital) into different meanings. The first, means hotel,
while the second, hospital.
Other examples of
these doublets are:
acer > aigre/âcre
masticare > mâcher/mastiquer
senior > sieur/seigneur
capsa > châsse/caisse
ministerium > métier/ministère
scala > échelle/escale
causa > chose/cause
porticus > porche/portique
simulare > sembler/simuler
operare > oeuvrer/opérer
strictum > étroit/strict
potionem > poison/potion
frictionem > frisson/friction
tractatum > traité/tract
pedestrem > piètre, pitre/ pédestre
rigidus > raide/rigide
parabola > parole/parabole
fragilis > frêle/fragile
pendere > peser/penser
integer > entier/intègre
legalis > loyal/légal
liberare > livrer/libérer
fabrica > forge/fabrique
auscultare > écouter/ausculter
absolutum > absous/absolu
capitalem > cheptel/capitale
captivum > chétif/captif
claviculum > cheville/clavicule
advocatum > avoué/avocat
singularis > sanglier/singulier
The Renaissance also had a
dramatic impact on the French language. During this period 99% of the French
population did not speak French, they continued to speak a number of regional
dialects. French was only spoken in and around Paris, where the upper members
of society lived. Just as Frances 13th Century military helped
spread French around the world, the Italian domination during the Renaissance
(the 16th Century) lead to more Latin entering France. The Italian
Wars, which took place between 1494-1559 C.E. led to a strong relationship
between France and Italy. This relationship, and the influx of Latin, brought
more refinement to the French language.
By 1510 C.E., Louis XII decreed
that all judicial proceeding conducted in France, so that the official language
in France would become more centralized. In 1539 C.E., the Royal degree of the
Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts required every Paris in the Kingdom to keep all
birth and marriage records in French instead of Latin. This made French the
official state language. Although Rome did not agree, by 1520 C.E. the Bible
and Gospel were being translated into French, and Calvinists in both France and
Switzerland, continued to spread French throughout Europe.
The French written language
became overly complicated again during the 16th century. This was
because printers were paid by the length of a document. Scholars and leading
minds were unsure about the rules and complications of the language, so they
left it up to the typographers to decide what was right and wrong. As a result
they added the cedillia, the apostrophes, and the numerous accents that appear
on all vowels in the French language, each that change the vowels
pronunciation. Written French became as complicated as was spoken French in the
13th Century. The upper echelons of society could ignore these
changes, but specialists were now obligated to follow the obscure rules. This resulted in the same difficult rules
with modern French writing.
Louis XIII tasked Cardinal
Richelieu to keep watch over the French language and its development. Richelieu
created the Acadèmie Françias in 1635 C.E. which would later create the French
dictionary, grammar rules, rhetoric, and poetics.
This centralization resulted in
French becoming an international legal language. It would be used for the first
time internationally in the Treaty of Rastdatt in 1714 C.E. (which ended the Wars of the Spanish
Succession) and would remain the official diplomatic language on treaties until
World War One.
Despite its international status,
the Enlightenment and the French Revolution would weaken the French language
development. Even with the numerous centralization efforts, by the late 17th
and early 18th Century C.E. only 3 million of the 25 million living
in France could speak and understand French. A high number still spoke varied
forms of Patois, which had existed since the Romanic times. The French language
also lost ground internationally after it lost Canada to Britain in 1760 C.E.
and the American War of Independence, which isolated Louisiana.
By the mid-18th
century C.E. the language began to make headway in France itself. As factories
became more centralized as a result of the Industrial Revolution, workers were
required to travel into Paris and other major city centres and required French
to work. However, workers would be one of the main culprits of the French
Revolution, which would cause more turmoil in the evolution of the French
The French Revolution saw a
simplification of the language. During
the outbreak, 80% of the population still did not speak French. This
simplification was as a result of revolutionaries looking for more national
sentiment, including language. For the first time there was a direct
correlation between language and nation. The motto of the revolution was
“Fraternité, Liberté, Egalité” (Fraternity, Freedom, Equality) For this to be
possible, everyone needed the same language. If the language was made easier,
more people could learn it. However, with the end result of the revolution
resulting in the execution of Louis XVI in July of 1789 C.E., this left France
open to new political ideologies.
Three major political periods
remained before modern French would appear. The first was under the rule of
Charles-Maurice Talleyrand, who imposed language laws, requiring French to be
taught in schools and spoken in Church. This period has become known as the
“Linguistic Terror,” and the laws remained until the execution of Robespierre
in July of 1794 C.E.
The next period of political
change was under Napoleon Bonaparte. He kept France in an eternal state of war
throughout his reign, which required as much financing as possible. As a result
of this, Napoleon allowed schools to return to teaching Latin, as it was
cheaper and easier, meaning it required less resources. Unlike every French
leader before him, he was from the lower nobility, and spoke Corsican (an
Italian dialect) and put an end to all French promotion efforts.
Napoleon’s opinion of the French
language came at the turn of the 19th century. The world began to
look to science more closely, and Napoleon wanted France at the centre of the
stage. Napoleon reopened the Acadèmie Françias, and it returned to its work on
preserving the French language.
Despite new French research, the
world still revered the French and its language because of Napoleon’s
continuous expansion on Europe. Europe developed a very anti-French sentiment.
Napoleon also decided to sell Louisiana to the U.S. in 1803 C.E., ending the
last France French outpost in North America.
After Napoleon’s death, the new
government made major strides in establishing the French language. In 1830 C.E.
they created the national elementary education system, while at the same time
had the intention of simplifying the French language. As a result of this
effort, Parisian middle class pronunciation spread through France, resulting in
what is modern French today.
With continued political
division, the rise of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (commonly known as Napoleon III)
promoted himself as the protector of the lower class, who were still struggling
with the adaptation of the French language. Napoleon III returned France to a
short period of Latin domination. For the benefit of France, this period lasted
between 1851-1871 C.E. when Napoleon III was forced to surrender in his war
with Prussia, resulting in the end of his rule.
By the 19th Century
C.E. French was basically as it is today. They biggest change would continually
be the increasing number of English words entering the language. The bloodiest
war in history (World War One) would combine men from all over France. This
destructive war solidified the survival of French, as it was the last stage of
centralization. Men from the various regions were forced to modify their
understanding of French to understand their comrades. Up until this period in
history, French had never borrowed from the English language. In the 17th
Century, only 8 English words were in the French vocabulary. By the 20th
Century, more than 2,500 English words were present. As a result of this
borrowing, French one again became an international language, borrowing words
from more than 120 languages, including more than 1,000 from Italian and
hundreds from Spanish. This allowed French to reach all levels of society.
In Canada, the ESL learners we
will most likely encounter will be students from Quebec. This causes its own
issues as Quebec French and French French are extremely different. The same can
be said for African and Asian French.
There are similarities, such as
the grammar rules, but there are vernacular changes. This is as a result of
Frances rocky history. The French that we know in Canada is closer to 17th-18th
Century French. This is because when New France was established from people
from various French regions (which all spoke a different level and type of
French). After the British conquest, Quebec was sheltered form the continued
modifications to the French language in France. There is also a reason for the
varied French in Quebec, from the French in New Brunswick. Those who settled in
Quebec where predominantly from northern France, while those who settled in
Acadia (NB) where from Southern France. The French spoken in Canada, has been subject
to the English spoken surrounding it for nearly 5 centuries. The most common
pronunciation differences in Quebec are “moé” (supposed to be moi) and “toé” (supposed
to be toi). With the development of social media and the internet the gap
between Quebec French and France French, the same can be said for many of the
former French colonies.